Friday, February 20, 2015

Blown: The Four Circles of Safety and Security for The Generations

In the Four Circles of ancient ways, the children, the Generations are in the center inner circle, surrounded by nurturers, providers and protectors and elders/medicine people.

we call this the Extended Family Nation.

all of these circles in the modern westernized "civilized" society have been broken through.

laid waste.  or turned on themselves with children as the targets of injustice and criminal "supervision".

as illustrated to me vividly in the matter of Joey Green and Stonegate cult, 1982-3.

as illustrated vividly again to me in Rapid City recently.

the Four Circles are blown.

the Generations are, to say the least,

not safe here. in amerikkka.  haven't been since The Invasion began in 1492.  and before wherever they weren't "in the Center".


It is Time....The Word is Given

until The Dream,  this was unknown to me:  we are all part of an experiment.  a massive global experiment.   a program.

a program that appears, more and more, to me anyway, to be counter-intuitive, counter-productive, even across-the-board self-destroying, species-damning, even in its golden moments.

we are progressing down a path we don't understand to a destiny we do not know.

we make up or "invent" ways of responding to this laboratory we move around in with relative degrees of freedom.

some of us have fallen under the control of other human-beings whose part of the program it is to be control freaks.

some of us identify them as control freaks, seeking to distinguish ourselves from them.  seeking differentiation, we arrive at exclusion.

it is part of the program.

many of us do not identify the program, this massive experiment being run by unseen other-dimensional manipulators who seem to be our god our gods our ancestors our spirit-helpers our "other selves" and so on as we dissect our lives with our minds,

trying to be what we call scientists, finding

that science really means nervous daredevils pressing the limits of understanding,  in our purest forms,  seeking funding in our jaded ones.

free spirits seek to define what is by being here one day at a time, one moment at a time.

trying to be free and be ourselves.

discovering our ancestors in our genes.

in ourselves.

then we try to relate to other human beings.

all of us in this massive experiment.

for a time.

we notice that everyone dies.

and some find the exits early.

finding the exit

is an entrance to another world, another dimension

just over here, you see?

Love for Earth and The Generations: all that makes sense to me in this madness.  all that keeps me here, even as the exit comes to me, devouring me into the next dimension.


i know now that i am disappearing.  crossing over.

some will say, as we said in the hills:  he went 'round the bend.

people who stay will not have to care for me anymore.

only their memories, a few of them.

there ARE 7 billion pawns in this experiment.  even the Greed Cartels and all we blame as our controllers are only imaginary manipulators...when it comes time to disappear

they take no inventions, like money, with them, we know.

LOVE is the only way to live in this experiment with all of its other illusions.

let LOVE be the illusion of choice for me this day.


when i have taken LOVE to the limit, then will i pass over...

perhaps it is the ancestors, after some of the hosts and hostesses i imagine are mine--these ancient indigenous people in their Generations who still abound among us,


at any rate, it is time.  the word is given.

--Stephen E. W. Savage

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Sacredness of Trees and Forests

Human Beings would do much better if they returned to the worldview in which Trees and Forests are viewed as Sacred....for all the right reasons..

Authoritarianism and Sexual Disorder

Authoritarianism and Sexual Disorder

Lacan, Psychoanalysis, Freud.... and the French "Far Left"

During my years in the desert, i spent a lot of time in the Mesa library, across the road from the apartment complex where i rented a small unit.

in the 8 years since my ladyfriend rescued me from the desert i have learned the ways of polite society once more, drifted into online activism (to restore AIM and take care of some nasty business)

and now, in a reactionary overnight flash i have rejected all the social media and gone back to the library, fully online.

i'm in the second day of this rush.  and it is madly beautiful.

Google Search:  Lacan, Psychoanalysis, Freud and the French Far Left

'Compulsive Beauty'--Madness

i am mad, and thus compulsively beautiful.

all of us thus uniquely gone away share in common our disdain for science which dissects in order to know that which we perceive in the whole

for it is madness to speculate the say when we do it.

Chad Curtis, Christian Fundamentalist Sex Offender

How Chad Curtis Went From Clubhouse Cancer to Convicted Sex Offender

there is a direct line between christian fundamentalism and sexual repression illness.

pedophilia is builtin to authoritarianism.

and hillbilly male domination values:  "old enough to bleed, old enough to butcher"

violation of trust relationships

somebody in Kauffman extended family was Chad's girlfriend

write on this, or not, later.

thoughts:  Rhoda/Dennie, my afflicted relationships

Friday, 13 February, 2013: Graphene, Ununpentium, Theoretical Physics, Island of Stability, Gavin Newsom, Baseball, et. al.

Graphene:  the commercial driver gets in the way
Ununpentium:  Element 115, temporary
Theoretical Physics
Island of Stability

Gavin Newsom



Yasmany Tomas:
YT hits Monster HomeRun for Cuba

Minor League records

Yasmany (Bacallao) Tomas

Bats: Right, Throws: Right
Height: 6' 2", Weight: 230 lb.
Born: November 14, 1990 in La Habana, La Habana, CU (Age 24.091)

Will hit 25 HRs?

Jeong-ho Kang
 Ryan Sadowski discusses Korean Baseball and Kang

1-40 HRs 

Korean Baseball O

Kang wants to play Shortstop 

Yoan Moncada


Thursday, February 12, 2015

The ChASM Folks

 First off, let me speak to my worldview which is understood by ancient indigenous people everywhere i go where they have been permitted to survive or have survived by dint of their intelligence, vision and bravery.

It is sometimes called "The Good Red Road", at others The Sacred Hoop.

And it is almost the direct OPPOSITE of the ChASM worldview, subscribed to as the only worldview option by most americans i run into.  specifically that cadre of arguing rabble i call the ChASM people.

The ChASM folks.

Their worldview is linear, punctiliar and, in the worst case scenarios, final.   You either go along with their worldview or they will, according to their whim and character,

Ignore or Chastise or even kill you.   Or try to discredit, convert or co-opt you, as if you just "got off track", meaning you are coming from somewhere they can't comprehend.

And, they are control freaks to the max, bearing in their ignorance an arrogance of way in vast disproportion to their actual knowledge of how things are or appreciation of an "opponent's" worldview.

They cannot contemplate or seriously entertain an option, an alternative, or a different way of seein' and bein'.

They are, in short, the Arrogant Ignorants of the Western Hemisphere and have been pretty much committed to that supremacist worldview from the time they "discovered" (insane) the Western Hemisphere and began to flood in here with their twisted doctrines,  exploitative ways and their diabolical "worldview"

which is really just a hodgepodge of Godtalk/Godthought they made up to justify bein' thieves, liars, earthrapists, human violators and murderers.....wherever they choose to land and focus on what's "possible" or "available" or "within their purview" which they ASSUME belongs to them via their

"faith" in "God".

Today, especially, the ChASM folks appear really control freaky.  *Christian American Supremacist Materialist=ChASM.*

And they often assume things that just aren't true.

Since there are so many of them today--about half the nation is committed to a worldview that submits to the ChASM programming--in the USA, and the area around me is often dense with 'em right now,

a freethinking recluse such as I needs some sort of survival plan.

First, for my feelings.

ChASM people routinely offend me when they speak within in my hearing.  Or express their bigotry and hate for "assumed common enemies" directly to me.

Now that's my problem, I understand.

Because they are ignorant, i am incensed.  Now that sounds dumb and probably is but i came up among ChASM people who think that they are God's gift to humanity and have the inside track on things like

Scripture (they don't really know what it says--I've studied it deeply)

Politics (forever since Reagan, the so-called "conservative" political pervs who include this "religious right" coalition assume they are right because "God is on our side" madness.)

Religious/Social superiority  (a longtime holdover from the first boat people/"Christians" who came here from Europe and proceeded to take the land and "resources", as they see our Relatives, away from the ancient indigenous people here)

Cultural Superiority (a "culture" that is about exploitation and Greed and steamrolled over ancient indigenous cultures that had worked well for the tribes for tens of centuries prior to the invasion of the european "christian" supremacists)

They really don't know what they speak about.   But they consider you of the Devil if you do not endorse, valdiate and submit to their

Un-endorsable and un-validatable "worldview" that is centered on "god" and something they labeled "christianity".

Their culture is Judaeo-Christian, they say.  But it goes back neither to Abraham nor Yeshua ben Yosef.

These things i verified over time, being born into the Judaeo-Chrsitian rightwing political/social/religious culture and brainwashed with it, while being trained to be a star performer in it uniquely, for the first 21 years of my life.

So, naturally when these unnatural folks who care nothing for "geography" or natural realities and everything about purchasing and building their "empires" of tinsel and tawdry hopes,

Come around me, i am uncomfortable to say the least.

The Sacred Hoop worldview and the Judaeo-Christian culture/religion/non-way

have nothing in common.

Except our humanity.

So here's how i cope:  i let them know that the labels they bring to me don't matter.

That i look at them as human beings and note whether they are being good human beings or not in
ancient terms.

You see, there was a time before there were Christians and  Judaeo-Christians and this madeup worldview of these arrogant ignorant "children" in adult bodies.

and in those times and climes there were local requirements or mores that determined whether you were "good for the family" or not.

now, with all this "opposite pressure" goin' on around me, i haven't been a very good human being sometimes around these folks.

but i'm tryin'.

i keep boilin' everything they say and do down to the same standard i apply to myself:

is this a good thing for Earth and the Generations?

and, the sad truth is, most of the time,

it just doesn't matter anymore

what these ChASM folks do.

They are, as long as they have no real say over how the group rolls,


Ergo:   Don't let 'em have practical sway with their b.s. over the group.

Seems like a "warrior's" calling.

Irrelevant.  like their mentors, sycophants and dipsychotic spokes.


So, don't try to deal with 'em.  Just let 'em be and keep 'em in neutral.

Most of 'em are there anyway.  fatalists.

Now, i have to seriously engage in my life of commitment to

Earth and The Generations.

and LOVE.

--Stephen E. W. Savage/Stephen Pipkin