Friday, February 20, 2015

It is Time....The Word is Given

until The Dream,  this was unknown to me:  we are all part of an experiment.  a massive global experiment.   a program.

a program that appears, more and more, to me anyway, to be counter-intuitive, counter-productive, even across-the-board self-destroying, species-damning, even in its golden moments.

we are progressing down a path we don't understand to a destiny we do not know.

we make up or "invent" ways of responding to this laboratory we move around in with relative degrees of freedom.

some of us have fallen under the control of other human-beings whose part of the program it is to be control freaks.

some of us identify them as control freaks, seeking to distinguish ourselves from them.  seeking differentiation, we arrive at exclusion.

it is part of the program.

many of us do not identify the program, this massive experiment being run by unseen other-dimensional manipulators who seem to be our god our gods our ancestors our spirit-helpers our "other selves" and so on as we dissect our lives with our minds,

trying to be what we call scientists, finding

that science really means nervous daredevils pressing the limits of understanding,  in our purest forms,  seeking funding in our jaded ones.

free spirits seek to define what is by being here one day at a time, one moment at a time.

trying to be free and be ourselves.

discovering our ancestors in our genes.

in ourselves.

then we try to relate to other human beings.

all of us in this massive experiment.

for a time.

we notice that everyone dies.

and some find the exits early.

finding the exit

is an entrance to another world, another dimension

just over here, you see?

Love for Earth and The Generations: all that makes sense to me in this madness.  all that keeps me here, even as the exit comes to me, devouring me into the next dimension.


i know now that i am disappearing.  crossing over.

some will say, as we said in the hills:  he went 'round the bend.

people who stay will not have to care for me anymore.

only their memories, a few of them.

there ARE 7 billion pawns in this experiment.  even the Greed Cartels and all we blame as our controllers are only imaginary manipulators...when it comes time to disappear

they take no inventions, like money, with them, we know.

LOVE is the only way to live in this experiment with all of its other illusions.

let LOVE be the illusion of choice for me this day.


when i have taken LOVE to the limit, then will i pass over...

perhaps it is the ancestors, after some of the hosts and hostesses i imagine are mine--these ancient indigenous people in their Generations who still abound among us,


at any rate, it is time.  the word is given.

--Stephen E. W. Savage

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