Friday, February 20, 2015

Blown: The Four Circles of Safety and Security for The Generations

In the Four Circles of ancient ways, the children, the Generations are in the center inner circle, surrounded by nurturers, providers and protectors and elders/medicine people.

we call this the Extended Family Nation.

all of these circles in the modern westernized "civilized" society have been broken through.

laid waste.  or turned on themselves with children as the targets of injustice and criminal "supervision".

as illustrated to me vividly in the matter of Joey Green and Stonegate cult, 1982-3.

as illustrated vividly again to me in Rapid City recently.

the Four Circles are blown.

the Generations are, to say the least,

not safe here. in amerikkka.  haven't been since The Invasion began in 1492.  and before wherever they weren't "in the Center".


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